Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Editorial

Christmas editorial 

As a peer group, reindeer are a fickle lot.  First they deride Rudolf, labeling him with cute but hurtful titles, then turn right around and show him affection, choosing to display this while they exclaim happily.

What I want to know is where was Santa Claus in all of this? Isn't he some sort of reindeer guardian?   Yet he is content with letting all of the other reindeer verbally and emotionally  abuse Rudolf.  Then comes the day when Santa has visual  complications and he comes running to old Rednose to save the day.

I'm sure Rudolf is in therapy to this day because of Santa's negligence and yet in our thoughtlessness we sing about it every year, dredging up poor Rudolf's pain and suffering.  With all of our political correctness these days you would think that people would show some consideration to a sensitive reindeer that has an overactive nose brightness condition.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas Songs

Every year a local Los Angeles radio station plays Christmas music 24/7.  Several years ago I discovered this and have been hooked ever since.  They start Christmas programming the week before Thanksgiving and that's also when I start listening.  I now have a car that has satellite radio and they have 2 channels that play Christmas music from Thanksgiving and 2 more that will start Dec. 4th.  If you include my iPod with several days worth of Christmas songs, I therefore have a plethora of holiday listening choices.  

Since I have a keen interest in holiday music fare I've decided to use this platform to share with you my musings about Christmas songs.  This is for my own enjoyment and to embarass my children, which we all know is a parental requirement.

Thank you for indulging me in this project.